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Safeguarding Information

Evergreen Primary Academy takes the safety of pupils, parents and staff very seriously.

It is everyone’s responsibility to act if they feel that a child is not being cared for properly, is being harmed or is at risk of harm.

Safeguarding Team

If you are worried that a child is being harmed, or is at risk of being harmed, please speak to Mrs Vincent, Safeguarding Lead, Miss Wheeldon, Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead, or Mrs Duale, administrator.

Conversations will be confidential.

To ensure our children are kept safe we complete full DBS checks on all the adults who work in our school.

If you would like more information on how to keep children safe, please look at the following links:

Useful Links

Anti Bullying Guide

Child Friendly Playground Code of Conduct Guide

Child Friendly Online Safety Guide

Child Friendly School Attendance Guide

For child safeguarding information and help:



For mental health information and help:



For domestic abuse information and help:


If you need to talk to someone in Bristol about your worries for a child, please phone First Response on 0117 903 6444.


The Internet has become an everyday part of our lives. We use it daily to improve teaching and learning, to get information from around the world, talk to friends and help with our work.

However, it is important that we all learn how to be responsible online both at home and at school.  At Evergreen Primary Academy we take this matter very seriously. We follow government advice on best practice. Please help us to support your children by looking at the links below which provide important information on how to keep safe online:

Supporting Young  People Online (Multiple Languages)

Children’s Internet Safety Quiz

Prevent Duty

Prevent is part of the United Kingdom’s counter terrorism strategy. It aims to prevent people from becoming involved in terrorism or supporting terrorism.

Evergreen Primary Academy is committed to supporting the Prevent Strategy in order to protect everyone from radicalisation.

At Evergreen Primary Academy we promote British Values (The Rule of Law, Democracy, Individual Liberty and Mutual Respect and Tolerance of the Beliefs of Others) and enable our pupils to challenge any extremist views.

If you have a concern about someone who is at risk of radicalisation, please contact the safeguarding team.

Information on Prevent:

Educate Against Hate



As part of our duty to protect girls from FGM, we always speak to all parents before they take trips abroad. If you are worried about any aspect of FGM, please contact the safeguarding team.

FGM Helpline:  0800 028 3550

NSPCC – FGM Information and Help

Safeguarding Newsletter

01-24 Safeguarding Newsletter 3

10-23 Safeguarding Newsletter 2

09-23 Safeguarding Newsletter 1

10-22 Safeguarding Newsletter 9

07-22 Safeguarding Newsletter 8

06-22 Safeguarding Newsletter 7

05-22 Safeguarding Newsletter 6

03-22 Safeguarding Newsletter 5

02- 22 Safeguarding Newsletter 4

01- 22 Safeguarding Newsletter 3

12- 21 Safeguarding Newsletter 2

11- 21 Safeguarding Newsletter 1