Attendance Newsletter 6 – 22

Hello and welcome to our Attendance Newsletter No. 6.


During Term 2 and Term 3 we have been targeting lateness and children getting school on time every day.

Thank you for trying your  best to get your children to school on time (8:30 – 8:40 am) we really appreciate it.

Please do not let the cold weather be the reason why your child arrives to school late and misses vital learning that takes place from 8:40am.  Thank you for your support!

Medical appointments

Please make every effort to make appointments out of school time.

If you need to make an appointment, please explain to your Doctor/Dentist that you can only attend at a time when it will not impact on your child missing education.

If you cannot avoid a school appointment, please inform the school’s office as soon as you are notified by presenting your appointment letter or card or text to request permission to take your child out of school.  A photocopy will be taken to go with your child’s attendance record.

Days off school add up to lost of learning.  Please don’t let your children miss out on the education by deserve!

Thank you for your support in helping to raise our school attendance. If you would like any support or advice on attendance or punctually please come and speak to me.

Julie Vincent

Parent Support Advisor

Attendance Lead