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Y2 SATs letter to Parents

9th May 2022

Dear Parents and Carers,


We wanted to write to you to give you information about some tests the children will be taking part in during May.  These are not anything to worry about and all children in England (in Y2) also take these assessments.

The 2022 KS1 SATs (assessments) take place throughout May 2022.  The school is given a greater degree of flexibility than KS2 SATs and we can carry them out when we choose at some point between 1 May 2022 and 31 May 2022.

At Evergreen, we are making sure that the children do not feel nervous about these assessments as they are only a small part of their learning journey in Year 2.  The children have been practicing getting used to sitting an assessment over the past few weeks and have been working as a whole class to go through some past papers so they are more confident in taking part in an assessment.  We will make sure that we are working in small groups when we do the assessments.

Some information about the assessments is below.


There are two reading papers for KS1 pupils to complete, and two spelling, punctuation and grammar tests.

The first reading paper asks children to complete a mixture of short answer and multiple-choice questions about short stories/texts. The test is not timed but should take about 30 minutes to complete.

The second reading paper asks children to read a booklet that has three extracts. The questions are a mixture of multiple choice and short-answer questions. The test is not timed but should take about 40 minutes to complete.



Paper one is on arithmetic. The test lasts for 20 minutes.

Paper two is on reasoning.  The test lasts for 35 minutes.

If you have any questions about the above information, please speak with Ms Phillimore or a member of the Senior Leadership Team.

Yours sincerely,

V Counsell
