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Y5 trip – Bristol Museum

Dear Parents/Carers,                                                             

To support our historical understanding and deepen our learning within our wider curriculum topic of Ancient Egyptians, Year 5 are visiting Bristol Museum on Tuesday 23rd May to undertake a workshop about Ancient Egyptian culture.  

We will be catching the train to Clifton Down and then walking to the Bristol Museum.   

The cost of the trip £5.00 per child (£4.50 for pupil premium children).    

We will leave after registration at 9:00 am and return in time for the end of the school day. Children will need: 

  • Packed lunch 
  • Water bottle
  • Waterproof coat

 If there are any parents who are available to join us, please let Mrs Dorse or the office know.  

 Please return the permission slip to the office as soon as possible.  

 Yours sincerely,  

Mrs Dorse 


   I give permission for my child _________________________________ to walk to Bristol Museum on Tuesday 23rd May

 My child requires a free school meal packed lunch          YES                NO  

Signed ________________________________   Date__________________________  
