Ofsted: Evergreen Good with Outstanding features

Ofsted: Evergreen Good with Outstanding features


Evergreen Primary Academy has been rated ‘good’ by education watchdog Ofsted, with inspectors praising its ‘outstanding’ leadership and pupil development.

The Bristol school – part of the Cabot Learning Federation – was judged as ‘inclusive and diverse’, where leaders ‘go above and beyond’ in support of pupils. Inspectors also heralded Evergreen’s high standards of behaviour, pastoral support, safeguarding and ‘drive for excellence’.

The assessment represents a seismic leap from Evergreen’s previous judgement of ‘inadequate’ – an improvement which reflects the hard work put in by all staff at the academy.

Ofsted’s report said: “Pupils are at the heart of this inclusive and diverse school. The Evergreen values of ‘be safe, respectful and caring’ are lived out by all members of the school community. Parents are overwhelmingly positive about the education their children receive. One parent commented that ‘Evergreen Primary Academy is a school that provides a healthy environment for children to study’.”

Jan Saunders, Principal of Evergreen Academy, said:

“I am delighted for the school and the community that it has been recognised that the Academy provides a good educational offer which enables our pupils to achieve well and are very well supported in developing as citizens. We look forward to our onwards journey and the exciting future for the community.”

Ofsted’s inspection team offered a glowing endorsement of Evergreen’s provision in a number of areas.

On leadership, inspectors said: “Leaders have high expectations of what all pupils can strive towards. Pupils develop positive attitudes to their learning. Leaders provide pupils with a wide range of opportunities beyond the curriculum. These include being members of the academy council, eco-committee and e-safety champions.

“Leaders provide exceptionally well for pupils’ personal development. They go above and beyond to ensure all pupils build character and self-confidence. Pupils have a personal, social and health education curriculum that enables all to develop into responsible citizens. Staff provide extensive opportunities for pupils to talk about current issues. Pupils feel confident to bring their own experiences into debates and discussions. As a result, they contribute positively to their community and the wider world.”

“Leaders give detailed and careful consideration to pupils’ personal and emotional development. Pastoral support is highly effective. Staff work together to create an environment where all pupils feel respected and valued. Pupils enjoy coming to school.

“Leaders are extremely ambitious for all pupils, including the most disadvantaged and those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). They lead with a strong determination that all will succeed. Over time, leaders have been highly systematic and effective in their approach to school improvement. As a result, the vast majority of pupils are very well prepared for the next stage of their education.”

On pupils with English as a second language, Ofsted said: “Leaders prioritise reading. Many pupils join the school with little knowledge of the English language. Staff adapt the phonics programme to meet pupils’ individual language needs, including visual prompts and signing. Leaders ensure staff have the expertise to support those who find the early stages of reading tricky.”

On pupil behaviour, inspectors said: “Pupils build effective and highly positive relationships with adults. They behave well in lessons. Low-level disruption is rare. Pupils understand what bullying is. They say it can happen but that adults sort it out quickly.

“Pupils understand the high expectations for behaviour. They are respectful towards each other and staff. As a result, the school is a calm and purposeful place to learn. Pupils understand that ‘a little kindness goes a long way’. Where some pupils struggle with their behaviour, staff deal with this calmly and place the needs of the pupil at the fore.

“Pupils learn across a broad range of subjects to develop their knowledge and understanding. Subject leaders know their subjects well. In mathematics, teachers carefully check pupils understanding and use this information to inform their teaching. This enables pupils to make rapid progress from low starting points. In the early years, the focus on talk helps younger children to develop their language skills well. Subjects across the wider curriculum are planned to raise aspiration and reduce social disadvantage.”

On pupils with SEND, Ofsted said: “Leaders know their pupils very well, including those with SEND. Their close working with families ensures pupils’ needs are carefully identified. Staff provide tailored support, including for those pupils with social and emotional needs. This ensures pupils access learning effectively.”

On governance, they said: “Trust leaders and members of the academy council are highly knowledgeable about the school’s work. They provide considered challenge and support to leaders to help maintain and continue the drive for excellence. Morale is high and decisions are always made in the best interests of pupils.”

And on safeguarding Ofsted said: “The arrangements for safeguarding are effective. Leaders, including those with governance roles, keep a meticulous check on safeguarding processes, including those when assessing the suitability of staff to work with pupils. Staff fully understand their responsibilities. A culture of vigilance exists. Staff are well trained. They are confident in reporting concerns, however small, through effective and well-known procedures. Staff record concerns well and know these are taken seriously by leaders.

“Pupils feel safe. They know not to talk to strangers. Pupils are taught about safety throughout the curriculum, including keeping safe online and in the local community.”

Kate Richardson, Executive Principal for the Cabot Learning Federation, said:

“We are delighted with the outcome of the inspection at Evergreen Primary Academy; this school sits at the heart of our trust and has, over time, benefitted from the support and guidance of many leaders within the Cabot Learning Federation. We are deeply invested in this community and couldn’t be prouder of our children, colleagues and families.”