CLF Festival of School Sports
Dear Parent/ Carer,
CLF Festival of School Sport
I would like to invite you child to attend the CLF Festival of Sport in partnership with UWE.
This trip is an excellent opportunity for students to gain experience of sporting activities they wouldn’t usually get the opportunity to at school whilst working with other students from across our trust. This is a chance for them to further their personal development and provide them with an insight into how sport and university may benefit them in the future.
The experience is free, please complete the sheet below and return it to school.
They will need on the day:
- A packed Lunch
- Plenty of dinks
- Full PE Kit
- Sports Trainers
- A Coat
- Sunscreen
Students will need to arrive in school in full PE Kit at 8:20am and will be back at school for 3.30pm
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
Many thanks
Jonathan Miller
Y6 Class teacher
I give permission for ……………..…………………………. to attend the CLF Festival of Sport on Friday June 24th 2022.
Please tick one of the following:
- I give permission for their picture to be taken to support school activities. ………
- I do not give permission for their picture to be taken to support school activities. ……..
- My child is eligible for free school means Yes ……… No ………..
Signed:………………………………………………. Printed:……………………… Date:……/……/……….