Notice of Academy Parent Councillor Election
We currently have a vacancy for an Parent Academy Councillor and you are very welcome to put your name forward should you wish to stand for election. Much like a Governing Body, the Academy Council’s role is to ensure your children learn in a safe environment and to the maximum of their ability.
All parents and carers are eligible to stand for election, except
- Persons liable to be detained under the Mental Health Act 1983
- Undischarged bankrupts
- Persons recently convicted of a serious offence
- Persons disqualified under the Company Directors Disqualification Act 1986
- Persons subject to disqualification as a Charity Trustee
- Persons whose employment is prohibited or restricted
- Persons disqualified from being proprietors of independent schools
- Persons on the DfES List 99 (this is a list of people banned from working with children)
If you would like to put your name forward, please complete the tear-off slip at the foot of the letter sent home with your child on Monday 28th June 2021, and return it to the Academy by Tuesday 13th July 2021. If you do not have a copy of the letter, or for more information on the vacancy, please contact the Clerk to Council, Sue.burns
Sue Burns
Clerk to the Academy Council