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Staff update – September 2021

Friday 10th June 2021

Dear Parents and Carers,

We hope you and your children have had a good start to this term. It has been lovely to welcome
everyone back after the half term break.

It is quite common for schools to have staff members leave at the end of a school year and we are writing
to you today to let you know about the staffing changes that will be happening at Evergreen from
September 2021.

Mrs Munro will be leaving Evergreen at the end of July. She is taking early retirement so that she can
enjoy spending more time with her family.

Mrs Etherington will be leaving Evergreen at the end of July. She is going to be working as a teacher in another school in a different county.

We would like to say a huge thank you to Mrs Munro and Mrs Etherington. They have both worked at the school for many years and have cared greatly about the children and families of Evergreen. Their hard work and dedication to the community we serve is greatly appreciated and valued. We wish them well on their exciting new adventures!

Mrs Wheeldon is expecting her first baby in September. She will be taking a year off to enjoy her
maternity. Mrs Wheeldon will be back as the Year 3 teacher in September 2022. We will be recruiting a
new teacher for Year 3 in the coming weeks and will keep you updated with the outcome.

We have two new teachers joining us when Mrs Munro and Mrs Etherington leave.

Mr Miller will be the Year 6 teacher. He is currently teaching a Y6 class at a school in South Glos and is
looking forward to joining us in September. He will be visiting Evergreen during term 6 to meet the Year 5 children who will be in his class in September.

Mr Rees will be the Year 1 teacher in September because Miss Webb is going to be teaching in the
Reception class. He is currently working as a Year 1 teacher at a school in North Somerset. He will be
visiting the Reception children during this term so that they know who their teacher will be in September.

This means that the class teachers for September 2021 will be:

Reception – Miss Webb           Year 1 – Mr Rees               Year 2 – Miss Riley
Year 3 – to be confirmed           Year 4 – Mr Smith            Year 5 – Miss Dorse
Year 6 – Mr Miller

Please get in touch if you have any questions about the above information

Yours sincerely

Vicky Counsell
