Y3 and Y4 trip to City Farm
Dear Parents/Carers,
To support our historical understanding of agriculture and deepen our learning within our Design and Technology curriculum, Year 3 and Year 4 are visiting St Werburgh’s City Farm on Tuesday 15th February.
We will be taking a guided tour of the farm and learning about how farming works as well as meeting all the animals. Also, we will be taking part in a workshop in which children build shelters from natural resources just as they would have done in ancient civilisations.
We will be walking through our local area when travelling to the farm.
We will leave after registration at 9:20am and return in time for lunch at 12:20pm.
This trip will cost £4. For children in receipt of pupil premium funding, the cost will be £3.60.
Please return the permission slip and £4 to the to the office by Friday 11th February.
Please ensure that your child brings a coat to school and wears sensible footwear such as wellies. It would be very useful to discuss these trips at home with your child and answer any questions that arise. Please contact the school if you have any further questions regarding our trips.
Kind regards,
Mr Smith and Miss Gilbert
I give permission for my child _________________________________ to travel to City Farm on Tuesday 15th February 2022.
I have enclosed the sum of £4 (£3.50 for PP) for the trip
Signed ___________________________________________