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Year 3 and Year 5 Trip – Slimbridge Wetland Centre

Dear Parents/Carers

Year 3 and Year 5 are going on a trip to Slimbridge Wetland Centre on Monday 22nd January!  We will be learning about nature and spending the day outside.  It is completely FREE and we will be getting a coach there and back.

Your child will need – water bottle, coat, school uniform and waterproof shoes or welly boots

If you have any questions or need further information about the trip, please let us know.

If you can support us by coming with us for the day, please speak to the school’s office.

Yours sincerely

Miss Plimbley and Mr Woosey

I give permission for my child to attend the school trip to Slimbridge Wetland Centre on Monday 22nd January 2024

Name of child _________________________________

Signature of parent/carer _________________________

I would like to order a school’s pack lunch for my child      ________   Yes     ________  No