We are Engineers

Friday 18th June
Year 5 have been citizens of the future this week. We were engineers for the day with IntoUniversity looking into how robots support humans, what makes a bridge strong, automotive engineering and understanding Newton’s third law of motion. To end our day, the challenge was to build a bridge using

We are Researchers

Friday 18th June
In Year 3 we visited the ICT suite to research facts about the Tudors.  We talked about using safe, reliable information to find our information. We then discussed our findings.

Fun in the playground

Friday 18th June
Here are the Year 6 pupils enjoying their new playground equipment. They have really enjoyed skipping, tennis, hockey, football and new games they have made up themselves. They have played well, thinking carefully about being inclusive and kind. They have been great role models as they can often be seen

We are Musicians

Friday 18th June
Our pupils had great fun learning about musical instruments and the sounds they make, they even had a go at making their own music and playing drums. It is lovely to see the children become more confident in their playing each week!

We are Artists

Friday 18th June
This week we have been looking at an artist called Firelei Baez.  We looked at different examples of her paintings and discussed our opinions about her work.

Fun in the playground

Friday 18th June
We have a new addition to our playground today. Children have worked well to take it in turns to play a game of chess or draughts.

Year 3 Scientists

Friday 18th June
This week Year 3 have been scientists! We are learning about different types of plants. We went on an exploration of the school to see how many different types of plants and flowers we could find. We then learnt about the different parts and functions of a plant.

VP Announcement at Evergreen

Tuesday 2nd March
    Dear Parents/Carers We have the pleasure in informing you that we have recruited Kerry Coote to the role of Vice Principal at Evergreen Primary Academy, following a two-day recruitment process. Kerry, who is currently the Interim Vice Principal at the Cabot Learning Federation’s Summerhill Academy, shone through the interview