We are scientists!

Friday 24th September
We are scientists! Year 5 have been learning all about the circulatory system in science. They have been testing which blood types are compatible with each other. Toni Dorse Year 5 Teacher, said, “They discussed what makes a fair test and how to ensure we keep safe during science. Well

Y1 & Y2 After School Club – Multi-sports

Thursday 23rd September
Bristol Sports Foundation After School Club at Evergreen Creating Active – Health – happy – communities Open to boys and girls, our after-school clubs delivered throughout the academic year, there will be plenty of opportunities for your children to be active and to fall in love with sport. YEAR 1

Y5 & Y6 After School Club – Tag Rugby

Thursday 23rd September
Bristol Sports Foundation After School Club at Evergreen Creating Active – Health – happy – communities Open to boys and girls, our after-school clubs delivered throughout the academic year, there will be plenty of opportunities for your children to be active and to fall in love with sport. YEAR 5

Y3 & Y4 Football Letter T1 and T2

Thursday 23rd September
FOOTBALL CLUB for Year 3 and Y4 We are pleased to inform you that the new football club (Raphael Burke Ltd) will be running on Wednesday’s for 11 WEEKS (OVER TERM 1 and TERM 2) and will commence on Wednesday 29th September to 15th December 2021. They are qualified football

We were on the telly!!

Thursday 8th July
With extra Government cash now available to schools, Vicky Counsell Principal of Evergreen Academy, spoke to BBC Points West reporter, Fiona Lamdin about how this vital funding has been spent and what impact it has had on her Academy.

Basketball Training

Thursday 1st July
Year 5 were lucky enough to have Rodney from Bristol sport to coach us with basketball. The children used their amethyst power to encourage their classmates to join in and keep up! It was extremely fast-paced and all children thrived on the challenge.

We are Mathematicians

Thursday 1st July
Children in year 5 have been using their pearl power in maths this week. We have been using our four operation skills to convert, compare and order measurements.

We are naturalists

Thursday 1st July
Pupils at Evergreen Primary Academy watched their butterflies emerge from their cocoons and then set them free in the school garden.

Sports Day

Friday 25th June
Key Stage 2 children took part on Tuesday afternoon and Key Stage 1 on Thursday afternoon.  They were lucky and the weather was fine on both days.  The children moved around the field in their class bubbles and took part in 4 different races:  the egg and spoon race, a

We are Historians

Friday 25th June
In Year 2 the children have been learning about the period in time called the Restoration. One of the things we have been learning about is the plague. We have been looking at living conditions at this time and what was thought to be the causes of the plague for